How accessible are our websites?

Some content on our websites is not fully accessible because:

  • Some images do not have image descriptions.
  • Some audio content, particularly podcasts do not have transcriptions.
  • Most older PDF and Microsoft Office documents on the website are not fully accessible to screen reader software. 
  • Live video streams do not have captions.
  • 3D objects using the third-party plugin Sketchfab are not fully accessible to screen reader software.
  • Some catering facilities, e.g. the Great Court Restaurant uses a third-party booking form which isn't fully accessible to screen reader software. 
  • Content is hosted on one of the microsites which, due to their age and the different technologies available when each one was set up, means that there is no single solution available to make them accessible. We are working hard to address this problem as we explain in the Disproportionate Burden section below.